
Tuesday, 29 January 2008 Y 6:13 pm

Ok let's talk about these two gigantic bookstores..I need feedback from the readers of which bookstore is better..

I did my own "research" of both..& found no much difference. Except the price, im not too sure whether i went to a correct local borders bookstores, but it reflected the price is slightly cheaper den kino..im totally not sure whether dat website is reliable, but if it is, den borders will be a gd choice coz of cost-effective. As for kino, im sure the price is accurate both in website n store, coz i had personally checked it.

As for the ambience, i guess i prefer to go kino..i tink it's more spacious n ez to search for the desired books. As compared to borders, i find it hard to locate the books..maybe my familiarity more to kino.

In term of avaibility of books, based on my online search, all my desired books are available in both stores..definetely the diff is the price-but i need to do physical check for it (for borders)

i tink another diff will be their offers.. i saw this borders offer in which buy 3 for a price of 2 for selected books..im not too sure abt kino as i dun remember seeing any promo during my recent trip to kino.

I guess my next weekend activity will be trip to both stores.the best thing is these two main stores are both located at the same place..so worth the trip..

So readers, any input?i need to noe about the membership card- for kino members- only 10% discount, any borders members here?more discount?

Ok, i guess i need more cash to buy my books tho..i haf dis list of "wanted books" to buy..wakaka.checked it at the library but not all are available..haha.furthermore i jus dun like to borrow books frm the library..it looks old..haha

Yup readers, any good book to recommend?

Happy Reading!!

Sunday, 27 January 2008 Y 1:17 am

Alhamdulillah, me nak ambil kesempatan ini untk berkongsi dgn para pembaca dgn ilmu yg diperolehi.Semoga kita dapat meraih kemanfaatannya bersama.

Sesungguhnya anggota badan kita yg paling termahal dan tinggi nilainya adalah Hati..Baik hati, maka sihatlah kesemuanya, rosak hati maka binasa segalanya dan tidak terasa kebahagian yg didambakan.

Kunci bagi hati yg bahagia hanya ada satu iaitu Allah, krn di situlah seharusnya diletakkan segala pergantungan dan pengharapan. Kerana hanya yg Khalik sahaja bisa menurunkan sakinah ke atas hati kita.

Seharusnya kita perlu mendidik hati kita untk menjadi Hamba Allah, dan bukan Hamba Dunia..krn hanya dgn mengenal dan menyintai Pencipta kita, akan dimudahkan segala urusan .

Jadi, bagaimana menjadi Hamba Allah yg baik?

1) Tekad yg kuat
  • menjadikan Allah sebagai tempat pergantungan
  • sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan melupakan hambanya
  • wlpun menghadapi musibah, yakinlah Allah ada dan pasti ada jalan keluarnya

2) Perbanyakkan taubat

  • pintu pertolongan Allah datang dari bnyk bertaubat
  • bagi mereka yang bertaubat, akan dilapangkan dada, dipermudahkan urusannya, mengadakan rezeki dari punca yg tiada disangka
  • kerana sesungguhnya segalanya mudah bagi Allah
  • orang yg bertaubat tidak akan memikirkan kesalahan org lain sebelum melihat kesilapannya sendiri

3) Jauhi maksiat

  • kerana maksiat boleh menghilangkan kemanisan iman
  • hendaklah menjaga mata (pandangan)
  • menjaga lisan
  • menjaga telinga

4) Sempurnakan taat

  • haruslah kita beri sepenuh perhatian kepada Allah dlm setiap ibadah yg kita lakukan
  • dilakukan sesuatu ibadah atas sedar dan faham
  • bila mana kita menyempurnakan taat kita kepada Allah, insyaAllah Allah akan membuat hati kita tenang

5) Sebarkan manfaat

  • Allah akan menolong orang yang membantu orang lain
  • ambil kesempatan untuk melakukan kebaikan kepada orang lain ;tidak kira melalui harta, fikiran ,tenaga etc
  • iklaskan niat; dan tidak mengharap balasan selain ridha Allah

Itulah sedikit sebanyak yg diperolehi daripada forum di masjid darul aman oleh kiayi Aa Gym. Sesungguhnya perkara-perkara ni sering didengar tetapi agak sukar dilakukan dan kita selalu terleka. Justeru sama-samalah kita bermujahadah dan meminta pertolongan Allah supaya diberi kesempatan dan hidayah dlm melaksanakan apa yang diperintahkan. Yg pasti hati akan sentiasa tenang bila Dia di sisi.

Wallahu A'alam

Thursday, 24 January 2008 Y 6:28 pm

Alhamdulillah,finally i feel so light n enable to breathe.i dun say i haf nothing much to worry or im problem-free, but now insyaAllah i will haf the courage to face the highs n lows of my life.

In has never been easy to go tru the mixed emotions - there's time when u're confident of ur choice u made, but when all the memories flashed n trigger ur brain, the heart seems to break into pieces n u feel helpless n regretting the choices u made..

But when u facing it n continuously seeking His helps, n bit by bit, God takes care of these little pieces of broken heart n mend it in His way..n finally u seeing a rainbow above ur head..n u noe that God always listen.

It's definetely true dat there's no other way to be happy except by following His path..the righteous of all.

Only He knows what best for us n when im alone, I know i have a greater opportunity to be close with Him..When He took what i thought is good for me, He gives me more of what He knows best for me:)

" Love must be sincere, cling to what is good, n hate what is evil"

Only by attaining His Uncoditional Love, other Love will fall in place.